Monday, February 26, 2007, 8:18 PM


今天我特地的请了一天假来陪我的猫猫因为很想整天陪猫猫过一个甜蜜的情人节(有点肉麻吗?)哈哈。。。由于前几天我们在 leisure mall 卖的花卖的七七八八所以昨晚忙了整晚弄花然后猫猫也陪我继续做功课很迟才睡。。。所以我们本来预算好的计划也唯有改变了。。。

一早我们就去帮 lum 开档然后整理好了那些要卖出去的花,我们就开始忙我的东西了。。。我们搭的士去 KLCC ,然后猫猫就帮我去了 maxis 弄好电话单的事,然后我就去了 citibank 还钱。。。过后我们就一起去 one utama 开始我们的约会了 :P 我们先去买了戏票看戏,很搞笑的事来了,本来我打算买twins seat但是那位售票员竟然说 twins seat for couple,你们。。。所以我问她那就不能买的吗?其实也是可以买的但为了减少尴尬所以买了普通票罢了。。。真的给那位售票员气死!!!过后我们就去了找地方吃,kenny roger / japanese food,猫猫选择帮我省钱所以我们去了吃kenny roger,这也是我们从没吃过的快餐。。。他们的食物满不错的,但是薯泥就不怎么好吃的,可能是厨师的问题因为它们的薯泥可说是最好吃的。。。我们煮的更好吃,哈哈!!!

过后猫猫就送我情人节的礼物了。。。虽然猫猫一直以来的零用钱都不多,但是猫猫还浪费钱买了我之前说喜欢的礼物-I Fish,我的心情很开心也很伤心。。。开心是因为猫猫很记得我所说过的话,伤心是猫猫没有钱用还浪费买那么贵重的礼物给我,我真的很感动。。。情人节礼物还不止这个罢了,猫猫还很用心弹奏了三首我喜欢的曲子,虽然猫猫一直也忙着功课,但是猫猫还很费时为了我而弹奏和录取这三首歌。。。我真的感动到想哭了,因很久没有人这样对我的。。。所以答应猫猫我会很珍惜这三首歌和每天临睡前都一定会听哦。。。下次我把它放进这里让大家一起分享哦^^

我们吃完了午餐就四处逛逛看看近来新出的东西,猫猫也带我去看平时猫猫与朋友们常去看的店。。。我们去了宠物店之类的,真的逛的很开心,真的很久没有这样陪猫猫了。。。我们逛到看戏的时间就去戏院里面等了。。。我们看的戏是“呖咕呖咕新年财”。。。这戏还不错的,如你们想学玩台湾麻将不妨可以来看看。。。里面可有教大家一些吃湖的名字,但是中场就有点闷,我想大家看这戏之前心情也大概知道戏的内容来来去去也是这样的...但这戏也算是一套喜剧来的。。。看完戏后我们就约了猫猫的朋友“nikky和debbie”一起 Srihartamas 去吃晚餐。。。

第一次与 nikky&debbie 吃饭心情真的有点紧张,幸好他们都不是静的人所以很快大家都有说有笑了(虽然我还是很少话说)nikky 与 debbie 真人好看过照片很多了,真的是男的俊朗,女的美丽哦(我可说的是真的话哦)本来我们去 sri hartamas 吃 cheese steamboat 的但是那点竟然关店了,真的倒霉!!!然后我们逛了一个圈,决定吃 korea BBQ 了,但是那一区的 korea BBQ 可不少的,所以nikky和猫猫就猜拳确定吃哪一间。。。最后选好了,但是~~~那一间的食物价钱真的令我们吃不消了。。。RM50 一碟牛肉加一点配菜真的太贵了。。。最后我们再次选择了吃Japanese Food“松叶”,这里的食物真的很不错价钱我们四人也觉得很合理。。。看我们order那么多了就知道了。。哈哈。。。在等待食物来临的时候我们都一直玩拍照。。。看看 nikky 和 debbie 也很开心哦。。。当然我和猫猫也是一样 :P
吃完了饭餐,我们闲聊了一下我们就决定去挑战“康乐夜市场”因 nikky 没有试过从头走尾。。。我们到达后看见真的人山人海,我们就开始我们的挑战了。。。nikky 买了一双不错的鞋子,连我也想买 :P 然后我们再买一些小东西吃和喝了两瓶甘蔗水,因实在太热了。。最后我们挑战成功。。。哈哈 nikky 也很好人的送我和猫猫回家。。。

这个情人节我们过得还真的蛮充实的。。。谢谢 nikky 和 debbie 的邀请。。。期待我们下一次的聚会。。。祝福你们^^

Thursday, February 15, 2007, 11:05 PM

Happy our Valentines~~

As usual, what do people do when at Valentines?

Of cuz go pak tor (dating) la~~

Of cuz Nick and Me won't get left out of the possession right? It's a crucial ritual!

On 14/2 Nick nd Me followed Lum to Leisure mall to open stall. The flowers that Nick made to sell there was sold out the day before, so 14th he need to add more stock to sell lor... U know ler Valentines everyone especially girls also become flower and Ferrero Rocher fanatics.

After that we went to KLCC to settle our bill on Maxis (The Family Plus Plan is really really a problem plan, damn many problems on the bill...) While I was *ahem* debating with the customer service lady Nick was busy settling his bill at Citibank. Then we met back and we headed to 1 Utama~~

1U actually had this Valentines decoration on the Highland court. Who would ever thought that the shopping center would actually invest money on creating an installment just for valentines! What we see here is a flower garden bed with many heart-shaped flowers on it, and you can see the butterflies and birds and bees~ Quite literaly eh? They even hang some heart-shaped balloons around.

So must take picture also lo... So important occasion... Lol.

What's for lunch? Kenny Rogers~~

Looks "appetizing" right?? Yeah I know my phone camera sucks but hey at least i tried~ Anyway we both ordered a quarter set, we both ordered the macaroni and cheese and mashed potato for our side dishes. The mashed potato tasted like sand and the macaroni is kinda like overcooked. But nevermind ler, it's our first time at Kenny Rogers~ :P

The muffin was great tho~~ Or else why Nick will be showing so many expressions while having it?


Hehe... I just couldn't help but take many many pictures of him. :P

So after the lunch we went to watch a movie... House of Mahjong~~


It's not to say that it's a real good movie, but I must say that it's hilarious. The story is about Taiwan mahjong, and I don't recommend people who don't know at least the basics of mahjong to go watch the movie, cause they really used a LOT of mahjong terms. But you must check out the actors' acting skills, damn FaRNeEE~~~ I practically laughed throughout the whole movie XD

Then we went to meet the other lovebirds, Nikky and Debbie~~

Nick and me went to have dinner together with Nikky and Debbie~ We supposed to go to da Cheese Fondue in Sri Hartamas, mana tau the shop disappeared already! Argh!! Gone! It's GONE!! Abupted by aliens! It just DISAPPEARED!

I never knew aliens love cheese fondue too!! Noooo....! No more fondue...!!

Sigh there's no more cheese fondue (*sob*) we decided to go for Korean BBQ... mana tau there're like 6 Korean BBQ shops at the area and we really had a hard time trying to choose which shop to go into.

So as what our UBoI (Usual Bunch of Idiots) culture will do we decided to go for da "Rock Paper Scissors" solution~ So when the conclusion came we went into this shop, Debbie and Nikky went to toilet then Nick and me sat down to check the menu...

"Uhh Nick... This RM50 beef rib thing is for one group or just an individual set??"
"Dunno oh... @-o"

And then we decided to ask the waiter...

"Yes it's individual set! Comes with kimchi, *blah blah blah*, but not inclusive of rice!" Says the cheerful waiter.

"@__ooo RM50 per SET ah...." Nikky and Debbie oso @___@...

In the end we walked out of the shop... Lol...

So third choice, Japanese Food~~

After so many hardship trying to decide WHICH Japanese restaurant to go, we settled at this corner shop that I forgotten the name~

But I must say that the trip is worth it! RM22 per set, same price with Sushi King, and you get to eat MUCH FRESHER and BETTER JAPANESE FOOD! As Debbie said, "We should add this place to our 'Places to Go' list~"

And oh yeah, the food is darn cun alright... This one is the Sushi bento set, all sushi are very very fresh! You can feel it's tanginess in your mouth when you bite on it, and each portion is also quite decent and thick! (Not like sushi king, a salmon sushi is just like manila card thickness...) VERY VERY NICE!!

This da Chicken Teppanyaki set~ Got so many things ho?

Then this is Debbie's Set~~ (sorry but I'm not very sure what the sushi's name is) with Ramen~ And it's quite nice oso lo~~

This one is Nikky's set, darn fresh and tasty Unagi set~~ Woohoo~~~

And we had our very full and satisfying dinner~ At least our trip to Sri Hartamas is not wasted right? :P

After dinner we went to Connought's pasar malam. And Nikky so happy~

"Finally we CONQUERED the whole pasar malam~!"

Yeah we walked from front to back and from back to front, for those who don't know how long the pasar malam is, according to Ryan it's
"5-6 times more longer than the Pasar at his place"! (Ryan, 2006)

And it is also
"the longest pasar malam that I ever walked!" (Trixie, 2006)

According to Grey it is
"The biggest and longest Pasar Malam in Klang Valley, maybe in Peninsular Malaysia!" (Grey, 2007)

Ok enough with the quotations thingy... So we went until leg oso tired, I drank two 500ml bottle of sugar cane+lemon... Lol... After that Nikky sent Nick and Me back~~ So nice ho~~~

Thanks Nikky and Debbie for the great night out!!

Of course, V day where can no presents one...

Me bought Nick an iFish~~ The fish is darn cute, can act as speaker can play play oso~~ And it BUBBLES~~ Like "blob blob blob~~" So happy ho~~ XD

I think I'm getting overly excited...

This is what Nick gave me...

A ring~ (Obviously...) And what's more?

It's detachable into two~ And what's even more?? It has words carved on it!

"Only Love You Nick"
"Stay With Me "

Nick has one with himself too, with the word "Grey".. Hehe so happy ho...

A very happy V day... ^---^^
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Coming Soon~~~
Sunday, February 11, 2007, 8:18 PM

Coming Soon!
Blog of Nick and Grey... Together :)

Expect much of fluffy adventures of the mischievous duo... What else do you expect from two hapless saps?

Watch out for new updates soon...!





hi..nick and grey here...welcome to our loving blogs.... nickgreydoublebed~ we will try our best to share out our loving and funny stuff... hope u all can support us and bless us always oh...thanks!!!
Our Mission...

love forever !!!


February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
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June 2007
July 2007
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008



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Basecodes are from: YLING;D

Texture for image and background pattern in courtesy of AeTheReality.